Minor Forest Produce Processing and Research Centre (MFP-PARC)
Van Parisar, Barkheda Pathani
Bhopal - 462 021
Madhya Pradesh
Bhopal - 462 021
Madhya Pradesh
Telephone: +91 - 755 - 2417670, 2970630, 4331459
Facsimile/Fax: +91 - 755 - 2970629
E-Mail: mfpparc@gmail.com
Facsimile/Fax: +91 - 755 - 2970629
E-Mail: mfpparc@gmail.com
A unit of Madhya Pradesh Minor Forest Produce (Trade & Development) Cooperative Federation. Brand: Vindhya Herbals.Medicinal & Aromatic Plants.